It has been months since I have blogged.
It was a bright Friday morning. We are going to have a picnic with my mom's blog friends and their kids. So we got on the car and started our trip to La Mesa Ecopark. But before we got there, we stopped by Grill Queen, to buy some grill fish. We waited for a long time. After some time were back on the road.
We're here! When we got there, we met a friend, a daughter of one of my mom's friends. Me, VGood, MagNate, and our new friend went to the slide and started playing.
MagNate sliding down the slide.
Me, VGood, MagNate, and our friend went to the slide and played.
After some time the others got to the picnic. Me and my sister met some new friends.
Then we went biking! (Mom didn't take any photo of us when we were biking). After biking, we ate.... it was so much fun!
After we ate, the mommies chatted, and us, the kids, played. :DWe had so much fun. We found a log, and made it into a rocket ship.
All together: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OF!
After some time we are going to climb up the stairs which leads to the dam.
That's really long.
When I got up, I was tired and sweating.
It's pretty windy up here.
And on our way down, we saw some benches and sat down and cool off for a while.
Me, relaxing on the grass. The grass is clean.
Then after that, the rain started pouring. We all rushed down, packed up our things, and stopped by at tita Wenchie's house. Then when the rain was already gone, we went home.
What a day!
We had fun, and I'm excited for the next picnic!