Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy reading


Sunday, May 6, 2012


If you've been here before, you'd notice the "few changes". I changed my theme, profile picture, added some widgets and etc. For those who haven't, there's a picture below of how this place looks like before.
I've also noticed that Blogspot has a new Blogger Interface. I'm also trying to update this blog more often. I've been kinda busy with school before and I kinda forgot about this. I recently remembered this because of someone who went here and laughed at my childhood photos. :( lol It's okay though because we're friends. :)
So, here's an update. I'm about to be on my Sophomore year. Yes, how time flies. I also haven't grown an inch since last year. Tear tear :'( My iPod Touch and phone never goes out of my sight. It's true, ask my mom. ;) I'll be 15 this coming 5th of September. My braces are turning 4 years old this May but I'm hoping to get them off reeeeeaaaaal soon. I'm currently in my school's Volleyball Varsity Team. Yes, I love playing sports, specifically volleyball. It's my passion. There's a lot more of updates or changes but besides that, I'm still me. I'm still that black-haired, brown-eyed, fun, silly girl I used to be. I just grew.
I'm happy to be typing here again and I hope to type again soon. I'm excited to share some of my stories. Can't wait! 'Til next time.